14/03/1972 – 16/09/1972
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Presented by Melbourne French Theatre
(programme is as follows:) 1. “La Revolution de Poeme III”. Poems of the French Syllabus, plus J. Prevert, B. Vian and others; conventional and controversial poetry – produced on stage – from the 14th to the 18th March – at the Guild Theatre. 2. “La Guerre De Troie N’Aura Pas Lieu” by Jean Giraudoux. The contemporary problem of war exposed in the peculiar post second World War atmosphere – 15th and 16th of June at the Alexander Theatre – Monash University & 19-24 June at the Prince Phillip Theatre – Melbourne Univeristy. 3. “Fin de Partie” by Samuel Beckett – 11-16 September, Guild Theatre.