The Lonely Crowd (2019)

28/05/2019 – 01/06/2019

Is it lonely in here? Or is that just me....  A group of strangers gather to ask more questions than they can possibly answer about what it feels like to be alone. Together over distance and technology, in many languages, with kindness and a good sense of humour they sift through reality and fiction to find connection. The Lonely Crowd combines original stories, images, dance and conversation. At times funny and at others deeply moving it explores ideas of loneliness in today’s truly crowded world. Dialog Review: The Lonely Crowd: Good Things Come in Small Packages
Xanthe Beesley
Jack Murray
Ensemble: Lakshana Bachun Sasha Cordier Andrea Figueroa Mavin Karunanidhy Wilson Liew Sim Monga Mai Pham Desiree Tan Mengyao Wang Alice Wheaton Charlie Zhang
Director: Xanthe Beesley Collaborator: Emma Hall Assistant Director/Stage Manager: Harriet Wallace-Mead Dramaturgy: Petra Kalive Creative Assistant: Thalia Livingstone Costume Designer: Natalie Gillis Scenic Designer: Jack Murray Sound Designer: Sidney Millar Lighting Designer: Paul Lim Lighting Design Mentee: Oliver Ross AV Design: Emma Hall & Harriet Wallace-Mead Production Manager: Khat Kerr Head Technician: Clynton Jones Stage Carpenter: Allen Laverty Publicity: Erin Adams Poster Image Credit: Wilson Liew