The Forest (2019)

09/10/2019 – 12/10/2019

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Finnian Griffin, Dani Madayake, Wexin Zhou, Oliver Ross, Ivy Crago, Katie Treasure, Jean Baulch
Based on Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like it’, The Forest follows 8 people who are caught in the same space, falling in love with random people, wanting to know everything about them, drinking and telling people how they really feel. "The Forest is a collaborative devised piece, a series of monologues written by University of Melbourne students. Working with feminist and queer readings of the text, it draws on the themes of unrequited love and the masking of identity. " -Ivy Crago, the director
Ivy Crago
Allison Ford
Brontë Maruff - Silvie Eleanor Golding - Jac Eleanor Rose Woods - Orlando Jarryd Evison Rose - Oliver Karla Murphy - Celia Katie Treasure - Rose Madeline Sullivan - Jacquline Sahar Roxanne El-shady - Phebe
Director: Ivy Crago Assistant Director: Finnian Griffin Production Manager: Oliver Ross Stage Manager: Scout Lubowitz Assistant Stage Managers: Kyna Zhang & James Madsen-Smith Marketing Manager: Preity Bhandary Front of House Manager: Bridget Morrison Lighting Designer: Liam Wardlaw Set Designer: Alison Ford Sound Designer: William Mason