G.O.D! (Goats Over Dandenong)
Gaia Fashion Show
Galileo - 1984?
Garni Sands
Gaslight (1949)
Gaslight (1956)
Gaslight (1970)
Geese Lightning
Geography of a Horse Dreamer
George and Margaret
Gertrude Stein and a Companion
Get Famous
Get the Word
Getting the Bird
Ghost Train (1959)
Ghost Trains (1984)
Ghosts (1937)
Ghosts (1937)
Ghosts (1946)
Ghosts (1958)
Ghosts (1980)
Ghosts (1988)
Gilgamesh- Actors and Puppets
Glengarry Glen Ross
Glycerine Tears and The Accident
Godot's Arrival and Big Mother
Godspell (1991)
Godspell (2017)
Gold Coin Fortnight
Good Mourning
Goodnight Children
Grand Hotel
Grate Protestations
Grease (1986)
Grease (2009)
Grease (2016)
Grease (2019)
Great Fury of Philip Hotz, The Lesson and A Resounding Tinkle
Great Mastication Show
Great Renaissance Video Show No. 37: The Tempest
Green Julia
Green Pastures
Gross und Klein
Guerilla Comediocre
Guy Faux
Guys and Dolls (2002)
Guys and Dolls (2006)