Richard III – 10/04/1977
Ubu Rex – 27/04/1977
Melbourne State College Music/Drama Department (MSC)
Musical (1977)
Reference: Open Stage Collection (1975-1979) Rowden White Library; O’Brien, A., Dopierala, W. (1994) ‘The Pleasure of the Company: Drama and Teacher Education at...
Godot’s Arrival and Big Mother
University of Melbourne Education Department
Play (1977)
‘Godot’s Arrival’ written and directed by Ross Brisbane; ‘Big Mother written by Charles Dinenzo and directed by Steve Cook.
No Time Like the Present; Who?; One of Nature’s Gentlemen; Just before the Honeymoon – 05/04/1977
White with Wire Wheels – 22/03/1977
Architecture Revue (1977)
The University of Melbourne Architecture Department
Revue (1977)
Doll Trilogy
Play (1977)
Union House Theatre
Play (1977)
The Cherry Orchard – 1977
Providence – 1977