Play (1990)
Hunger is a darkly comic parable of archetypal Australian men. Cast against the backdrop of a brutal landscape, three men are drawn together by force of circumstance...
Play (1990)
Lyviathan is a stark portrayal of power. It is a play concerned with the fusion of faith and ideology, a play that stands as a warning to all those who would worsh...
Cloud Nine
Play (1990)
“From the sexual conquests and intrigues of deepest Africa in 1890, to the ‘gay’ abandon of London’s youth in 1979, the politics of sex rears its ugly head i...
Mrs Thally F (1990)
Play (1990)
Grate Protestations
Play (1990)
Biedermann und die Brandstifter
The Germanic Players
Play (1990)
Comedy Spectacular (1990)
Revue (1990)
One night only. Australia’s top comics share the same stage.
A Streetcar Named Desire (1990)
St. Mary’s College
Play (1990)
Trinity College
Play (1990)
King Lear (1990)
Play (1990)
Presented by St John’s Greek College.