Piccoli Pezzi – 08/08/2001
Play (2001)
Part of Mudfest 2001
Journeys of a Gender Nomad
Play (2001)
One body. Many Genders. 15 characters. 4 pairs of shoes.,Can a woman be a drag queen? Can a drag king be a fag? Who is allowed to wear which label? Presented by ...
Present Tense – 16/05/2001
Roleplay – 16/05/2001
The Really Gripping Adventures of Sir Griffin Mycroft-Smith – 24/05/2001
What is Roleplay or the Story of a Charmless Man – 16/05/2001
Love A La Zen
Chinese Theatre Group
Play (2001)
Guerilla Comediocre
Law Revue
Play (2001)
Performed at Kaleide, RMIT as part of Melbourne Comedy Festival 2001
Darwin’s Dangerous Idea
Play (2001)
A mix of frenetic physical theatre and classic Japanese Kyogen style comedy theatre exploring genetics, technology and memes. Presented by Propellor Total Theatre