Trinity College
Musical (1993)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1990)
St. Mary’s College
Play (1990)
Musical (1989)
Presented by Scratch! Theatre Hair – the age of love, sex, sharing, friendship, peace-loving tribe-brothers and tribe-sisters trip their way to heaven in a cel...
A Kind of Alaska and Stage Directions (double bill)
University of Melbourne Education Department
Play (1988)
‘A Kind of Alaska’ written by Harold Pinter and directed by Mary Macheras. ‘Stage Directions’ written by Israel Horotwitz and directed by Vanda de Renzis.
Actors: The One Act
University of Melbourne Education Department
Play (1987)
'Actors' written by Conrad Bromberg and directed by Kirsten Jacobs; 'The One Act' a 4th year devised piece and directed by Joanne Koewn. Both directed by 4th year students.
Happy Birthday Wanda Jane
Play (1986)
Presented by L.A.D.S. Theatre
A Streetcar Named Desire (1985)
University of Melbourne Education Department
Play (1985)
This production was part of a study of role accessibility with reference to Stanislavski’s theories
Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights
Play (1984)
Presented by Moving Arts
A Delicate Balance (1982)
Old Scream Theatre
Play (1982)
Happy Days
Play (1978)
Presented by Jester Theatre