Macbeth Re-arisen (2006)
Play (2006)
Presented by White Whale Theatre,  this was shown 12-16 October 2004 at the Guild Theatre before going to Hill St Theatre, Edinburgh Macbeth Rearisen is the da...
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2003)
St. Mary’s College
Macbeth (2001)
Play (2001)
Presented by Eclipse Theatre at St Martin’s Youth Theatre.
Union House Theatre
Play (2000)
A spiky fairytale
Doctor Faustus (1998)
Play (1998)
Presented by Something to Do Theatre
Macbeth (1998)
Play (1998)
Presented by Ensemble Thespis.
Faustus 1931
Ormond College Drama Club
Play (1997)
Performed at Ormond College
Antony and Cleopatra (1991)
Trinity College
Play (1991)
Hamlet (1989)
Play (1989)
The set was to consist of movable wooden boxes, planks and cylinders, plus masks made by Princes’ Hill High School children. Hamlet was played by a woman with a â€...
Macbeth (1989)
Play (1989)
Scenes from Macbeth only.