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Title | The Madwoman of Chaillot |
Start Date | 22/03/1956 |
End Date | 27/03/1956 |
Designer | David Eyres |
Director | George Fairfax |
Author | Jean Giraudoux |
Music Director | David Kent |
Company | Melbourne University Dramatic Club (MUDC) |
Venue | Union Theatre |
Cast | Alan Hopgood, Jill Roselarr, Marjory Coates, Ann Boulton, Wendy Castley, David Niven, John Watson, Charles Colville, Janette Richards, John Temple-Watts, Georgina Batterham, Robin Cuming, Peter de Berrenger, Esta Hall, Dick Stanolish, Alex MacDonald, Robin Elliott, Nicky de la Vatine, Hamish Ramsay. |
Reviews | Farrago, 10th April 1956, p.6 – “Triumphant Run of The Madwoman”. |
References | Farrago – 1956 |
Award | Marjory Coates received the 1956 Murray Sutherland Award for her performance in ‘The Madwoman…’ |
Resource |
- The Madwoman of Chaillot 1956 Murray Sutherland Award media article
- The Madwoman of Chaillot 1956 Autographed Program cover and back
- The Madwoman of Chaillot 1956 Autographed Program cover and back