The Birds of Aristophanes – 19/06/1957

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Title The Birds of Aristophanes
Start Date 19/06/1957
Abstract Written in 414 BC this play is a poetic political satire in which a Council of the Birds discuss the building of a bird city. This play was adapted from a lively translation by Gilbert Murray.
Choreographer Laurel Martyn
Author trans. Gilbert Murray
Director Mavis Calder
Choreographer Annete Milon
Company Tin Alley Players
Venue Union Theatre
Box Hill Town Hall
Reviews 4 reviews all giving a moderatley positive review. Eastern Times, June 13 1957.
References Program, reviews.
Cast Grenville Spencer, David Niven, David fopp, Peter de Berenger, Jack Barre, Wyn McAlpin, Hilary Blake, William Leatherdale, Graham Tonge, Sylvia Reid, Douglas Calder, Bruce Clarkson, Gordon Kirby, Lionel Friedman, Merrice Wunderly, Shirley Courtney, Ann Baldwin, Shirley Davies, Patsy REid, Meg Smith, Jennifer Wallace, Louise Homfrey, Marjorie Matthews, Jennifer Boyle, Gillian Hannan, Gillian Hughes, Helen Maynard, Helen Methwen, Joan Methwen, Margaret Oakley.
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