Winterset – 14/06/1961

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Title Winterset
Start Date 14/06/1961
End Date 24/06/1961
Abstract A verse tragedy of young lovers set in New York amuid gangster tensions and poverty. The plot loosely follows Romeo + Juliet.
Music Director Bob Butterfield
Director David Bradley
Author Maxwell Anderson
Designer Ron Field
Company MUDC / TAP / Marlowe
Venue Union Theatre
Reviews Farrago – 22/6/61 p.6 – praised the play but suggested a larger edit by the producer.
Cast Bob Butterfield, Raj Huilhol, Bill Morgan, David Niven, Chris Matthews, Kaye Petrie, John Kilmartin, MArtin Mosley, Lesley Baker, Alan Morgan, Peter Blazey, Don Murdoch, Julia McKay, Graeme Henry, Ron Leonard, Michael Pidgeon, John Keogh, John Ritchie.
References Farrago 9/6/61 p.6. One small publicity article – no source.