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Title | The Crucible |
Year | 1963 |
Designer | Ronald Quinn |
Director | Graeme Henry |
Music Director | Graeme Henry |
Author | Arthur Miller |
Company | Melbourne University Dramatic Club |
Venue | Union Theatre |
References | “Theatre” (1963) no.3. |
Cast | Robina Henry (Tituba), Guna Kazins (Elizabeth Proctor), Richard Cartwright (John Proctor), John Sullivan (Reverend Parris), Bob Northey (Reverend Hale), Anne-Marie Ehrlich (Mary Warren), Michael Pidgeon (Danforth), Mary Richards (Mrs. Putnam), John Morgan (Giles Corey). |
Reviews | “Theatre” (1963), no.3, pp.25-7, review by Peter Nicholls: the cast “did not obscure the merits of the play, nor did they animate them…the players failed to set up that vital relationship with their audience that should stimulate those on stage and suspend the disbelief of those watching”, “the lighting throughout was bad”, “there were only three actors whose presence was commanding, convincing and natural”, Henry, Kazins and Cartwright, “In general…the cast, with one or two exceptions, worked enthusiastically and industriously at their parts, but in only three cases appeared more than students dressed up”; “It was an honest, slow-paced performance in all, and not a very rewarding one. But it was by no means incompetent”. |
- The Crucible 1963 Program 1
- The Crucible 1963 Program 2