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Title | The Way of the World |
Start Date | 22/07/1964 |
End Date | 25/07/1964 |
Abstract | A play written in 1700, which was a failure at the time and caused its author to quit the stage. A script set around a series of conversations highlighting the artifice of manners. |
Designer | Brian Corless |
Stage Manager | Janet Stahl |
Author | William Congreve |
Director | Brian Corless |
Company | Tin Alley Players |
Venue | Union Theatre |
Reviews | Farrago 10/8/64 p.8. |
References | Program, reviews |
Cast | Finall, in love with Mrs Marwood – Alistair Tweeddale; Mirabell, in love with Mrs Millamant – Barrie O’Brien; Witwoud (follower of Mrs Millamant) – Christopher Bell; Petulant (follower of Mrs Millamant) – Hugh Stevens; Sir Wilful Witwoud, half-brother to Witwoud, and nephew to Lady Wishfort – John Pitt; Waitwell, servant to Mirabell – David Niven; Footman to Lady Wishfort – Cliff Hadley; Footman to Mirabell – Graeme Harris; Coachman – Russell Hillbrick; Lady Wishfort, enemy to Mirabell for having falsely pretended to love her – Nanette Good; Mrs Millamant, a fine lady, niece to Lady Wishfort and loves Mirabell – Patricia Beggs; Mrs Marwood, friend to Mr Fainall, and likes Mirabell – Sandra Shotlander; Mrs Finall, daughter to Lady Wishfort, and wife to Fainall, formerly friend to Mirabell – Judy Read; Foible, woman to Lady Wishfort – Nance Turnbull; Mincing, woman to Mrs Millamant – Sandra Copland; Betty, serving wench – Judith Waltho; Peg, serving wench – Catherine Berry |
Resource |
- The Way of the World 1964 Program cover
- The Way of the World 1964 Program p 1, 2