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Title | The Indecent Exposure of Anthony East |
Start Date | 15/08/1968 |
End Date | 17/08/1968 |
Abstract | “This was a first performance, and the first of David Williamson’s plays to be produced. The play had an excellent cental idea, but insufficient material for a three-act play, and had many faults common to inexperienced authors… It is unlikely that it will ever be performed again in its original form.” |
Designer | Gerald Elsworth |
Designer | Christopher Bell |
Stage Manager | Helen Shaw |
Lighting | Gerald Elsworth |
Director | Christopher Bell |
Author | David Williamson |
Company | Tin Alley Players |
Venue | Union Theatre |
Notes | Perf Date: August -ran for 3 nights -Lighting Design: Gerald Elsworth -Stage Manager: Helen Shaw -letter from member of T.A.P -name illegible *premiere Programe Note: There is a belief that an Australian writer is an inferior creature. This belief may not be shaken by tonight’s performance – but nevertheless I should like to thank the producer for helping to get this play into a shape which is at least workable, and for his courage in taking an ‘Austalian’ production. We need an Austalian Theatre because we are not Americans, Britons or Swedes, and, until local producers are prepared to do the hard work of finding potential playwrights, helping them to raise rough drafts and enabling them to learn from their own mistakes, we won’t get it. – David Williamson. |
Reference | Letter to George Whaley 20/11/70 |
Notes | *premiere dir. Christopher Bell |
Cast | Miss Keable – Sandra Copland; Anthony East – Brian Davies; Bob King – Robert Holden; Desmond O’Toole – Robert Morris; Mrs Grant – Meagan Nuttall; Mr Hopkins – Geoffrey Gardner; Ed. Spike – George Cunningham; Fred – James Cassidy; Lenny – Clifford Hadley; Justice Spitzer – Ian Flannery |
Resource |
- The Indecent Exposure of Anthony East 1968 Program Front Cover
- The Indecent Exposure of Anthony East Program p 1
- The Indecent Exposure of Anthony East Program p 2
- The Indecent Exposure of Anthony East Program Back Cover