Australian Season of Drama

A season of eight productions of Australian theatre presented by the various theatre groups of Melbourne University. 1. 'THE CHAPEL PERILOUS' by Dorothy Hewett, directed by George Whaley, May 3·6. Union Theatre. 2. 'WOMEN!' An adaption by Jack Hibberd of Aristophancs' 'Ecdesiasuzae', directed by James McCaughey. June 14-17. Union Theatre. 3. 'THE TIME IS NOT YET RIPE' by Louis Esson, directed by John Smythe, June 20-24. Union Theatre. 'THE CHAPEL PERILOUS' (Return Season)                                                              June 27 - July 1. Union Theatre. 4. 'CHIDLEY'S ANSWER' By Ormond/Women's College, directed by Daryl Wilkinson. July S-8. Union Theatre.      5. 'THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH ASSASSINATED' By Bob Ellis and Dick Hall, directed by Brian Hogan. July 12- 15. Union Theatre. 6. 'AND COME OUT FIGHTING' by Harry Martin, directed by Peter Carmody, July 12- 15. Prince Philip Theatre. 7. 'MODERN DANCE ENSEMBLE' Directed by Margaret Lasica, July 19-22 and 2&29. Union Theatre. 8. 'CROW'                                                                                                Written and Directed by Nigel Triffitt, July 26-30 and August 2-6, Pram factory  