Ugly Babies – 29/07/1980

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Title Ugly Babies
Start Date 29/07/1980
End Date 08/12/1980
Abstract “A modern fairytale: hosted by Lewis Carroll” (circa. 1800s) From programme: Work began in november, 1979, on a show about modern weapons, to be called ‘Ugly Babies’. Following a period of research, discussion, imporvisations, games & writing, a script was ready for final rehersal be end May 1980. -no mention in programme as to actors -real thing????
Choreographer Mary Sitarenos
Designer Caz Masel / Denise Cadzow / Peter Finlay
Author Finlay, Peter
Author Bishop, Tom
Director Peter Finlay
Music Director Hannie Rayson
Company Ormond College
Venue Union Theatre
References Program; Theatre Board financial statement for 1980
Cast 31 characters played by Ken Woodgate, Tom Bishop, Edena Martinez, Jane Blair-West, Richard ponsford, Julian Bundy, Steve Rosanove, Fergus Camerson, Angus Thornton, John Perrott, Ewan Barker, Sally Heath, Clair Noon, Margarita Martinez, Nick Wilson, Lance Thompson, Lewis Carroll(?)
Notes Re: dates “Provisional theatre hire sheet” – 29-5 July week 5 term II 1980 7-12 July week 6 term II 1980 -no record of nights specifically performed.
Extra Notes Joan Lyndsay, adapted by cast; it was a group-devised experimental show in the Union workshopped collectively but also written by Peter Finlay and Tom Bishop. The format was based on the episodes of “Alice in Wonderland”, the premise being that “Alice” was now being given a tour of the lunacy of nuclear weapons research and policy of the present period, just before the rise of Ronald Reagan.