The Borage Pigeon Affair – 21/07/1983

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Title The Borage Pigeon Affair
Start Date 21/07/1983
End Date 23/07/1983
Author James Saunders
Director Sue Pilbean
Designer Sue Pilbean
Company 19
Venue Guild Theatre
Cast Bruce Sampson; Sally Trotter; Andrew Hall; Simon Drimer; Paul Sparks; Elizabeth Lester; Jeremy Couper; Alison Smith; Sue Penny; Alison Fraser; Glenn Matthews; Alby Koolmees; Selena Buckingham; Jackie Lee; Philip Petch; Paula Kittelty; Jane Bailey; Roy Daniels; Kristen Gale; Matthew Pinkney; Kerin Ord; Felicity Crawford; Liz Elder; Elizabeth Hack; Vivien Lagogiannis; Susie Wenlock.
References from: Theatre Production DB; Program
Extra Notes SRC Revue