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Title | The Witch |
Start Date | 07/07/1988 |
End Date | 16/07/1988 |
Abstract | TB funding application indicates that the production was mounted after some historical research was conducted (references to “Macbeth” and the history of witch-craft). The design and dance was inspired by 17th century masque tradition. The production included three songs, two dances and incidental music. According to the funding application, six witches were to be airborne during the show. |
Designer | McLean, Belinda and Meiers, Simon |
Director | Mark Williams |
Music Director | Wilson, David (composer) |
Choreographer | Strange, Kylie and Kemp, Nathalie |
Author | Thomas Middleton |
Company | Ormond College Drama Club |
Venue | Union Theatre |
References | from: Theatre Production DB; TB minutes 4/88, Poster photographed. |
Cast | Twenty-six cast members and a small orchestra. |
Resource |
- The Witch 1988 Poster
- The Witch 1988 Poster 2