Swimming Upstream – 10/09/1988

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Title Swimming Upstream
Start Date 10/09/1988
End Date 15/10/1988
Abstract Theatre Board funding application: This was open to all Guild Dance Theatre members. The theme of the show was “the individual”. It included one major piece of approximately twenty mintues, and five five to ten minute length pieces. The styles varied and included modern, classical and Afro-jazz. Sarah Hamilton, usually the Guild Dance Theatre’s professional choreography, acted as advisor.
Director Stella Fabrikant
Choreographer Seven students, including Pamela Karge
Author Student choreographers
Company Guild Dance Theatre
Venue Guild Theatre
References TB minutes 7/88 , 9/88 and 4/89
Reviews Review in “The Melbourne Times”, 22 July 1987.
Cast Fifteen participants. Pamela Karge was one of the student choreographers, the publicist and assistant stage-manager.
Extra Notes Revue
Notes Pamela Karge’s CV for writer’s grant application. Brief reference to production in TB minutes 4/89, item 7.7. According to Guild Dance producedure, if Anastasi Siotas was conducting Guild Dance classes at this time, he would have overseen the students’ choreography of this production.