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Title | The Floating World |
Start Date | 22/09/1988 |
End Date | 01/10/1988 |
Abstract | The Floating World is a play about Les and Irene Harding, who take the 1974 Women’s Weekly Cherry Blossom Cruise. Les can’t handle it. His memory of torture and starvation as a prisoner-of-war in Thailand is too strong. Les goes mad; or sane? |
Designer | Jon Lynch |
Director | Guy Le Couteur |
Author | John Romeril |
Music Director | Curtis Bayliss |
Company | Scratch! Theatre |
Venue | Guild Theatre |
Reviews | Positive review, though lacking in detail, merely describes content and plot. |
References | Flier; Programme; TB archives 9/88, TB minutes 11/88, 2/89 and 5/89; Poster. |
Notes | Due to industrial action by student union porters, the season probably ran 27 September to 1 October: “We apologise for the cancellation of last week’s performances, and for the change in the starting time to 8:30. This is entirely due to last week’s industrial dispute and is completely beyond our control.” Financial statement to TB also referred to problems with production: due to a “complicated industrial situation”, the Union Building was closed off two hours prior to opening night. Lighting Designer: Fred Watson Stage Manager: Gill Webley Costume Co-ordinator: Eva Mills ASMS: Elizabeth Gunn and Janet Williamson Lighting Operator: Wayne Lewis Sound Operator: James Shuter. Listed in Bruce Clezy’s CV in writer’s grant application and in Bruce Clezy’s and Tina Kokkinos’ CVs submitted with application for Theatre Board funding for Grassroots’ “Much Ado About Nothing”, 1989. Production report noted largely pragmatic obstacles (industrial dispute closing Union Building) and personal difficulties (violent cast member and two emotionally distraught cast members). It did not include any financial details. The Open Stage was considered as an alternate venue. |
Cast | John M Byrnes, Anne Radvansky, Bruce Clezy (Herbert Robinson), Anthony Watt, Richard Vabre, Frank di Lallo, Tina Kokkinos, Gill Webley (stage manager), Bruce Clezy. |
Resource |
- The Floating World 1988 Poster
- The Floating World Review 1
- The Floating World Review 2
- The Floating World Review 3