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Title | Telling |
Start Date | 11/05/1995 |
End Date | 20/05/1995 |
Abstract | Directors Note: “Telling” investigates the premise that past events shape the way we …ourselves in the present. Each dancer in tonight’s performance has drawn on events from their life which have remained significant in their memory. …Following an idea of Charles Darwin’s in his book “The Expression of Man and Animals” (1872), we explored the notion that all emotions can be reduced to a small number of inherited, universally idenifiable bodily expressions. |
Director | Anastasi Siotas |
Company | Theatre Department |
Venue | Union Theatre |
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Photo | In Photobox in Rowden White Library |
Cast | Dancers / Choreographers: Kate Bowditch, Chanel Keane, Xavier Brouwer, Bronwyn Ritchie, Sara Comeadow, Anastasi Siotas, Emma Fitzsimons, Elycia Wallis, Xavier Brouwer, Musicians- Kate Bowditch, Xavier Brouwer, Glenn Carpenter, Robert Ely, Fran Evans, Anna Kelly, Byron Scullin, Christos Siamas, Adam Watson, Dan West |
Crew | Tim Dargaville, Louise McCarthy, Simon Cornish, Sam Redston, Conrad Hendricks |
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