The Empire Builders – 03/06/1963

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Title The Empire Builders
Start Date 03/06/1963
End Date 05/06/1963
Abstract Part of “Theatre of the Absurd” – a season of French Absurdist works presented by the Marlowe Society.
Director Graeme Henry
Cast Member Louise Thorne
Author Boris Vian
Company Marlowe Society
Venue Union Theatre
Cast John Kilmartin, Louise Thorne, Jennifer Wilson, Gail Efron, Graeme Henry, Bill Walker (Schmurz).
Notes Part of the 1963 ‘Theatre of the Absurd’ season (see festival entry).
Reviews Beatrice Faust, “The Season of the Absurd in Review” in “Theatre” (1963) no.4., p.47: had ‘the most insistently good acting” of the plays in this season; “Graeme Henry has exactly the right approach to his actors. Without over-directing, his cast achieves both co-ordination and individualism in handling characters which are the most nearly natural of any in the season. This director’s approach to the play was less just, however, for he too directed for words, and a message”; praises Bill Walker.
References “Theatre” (1963) no.3.; Louise Thorne Collection, Rowden White Library
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