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Title | The Philadelphia Story |
Start Date | 12/08/1954 |
End Date | 14/08/1954 |
Director | Gordon Kirby |
Music Director | Jean Reid |
Author | Philip Barry |
Designer | Brian Corless |
Company | Melbourne University Dramatic Club (MUDC) |
Venue | Union Theatre |
References | Farrago 13/7/54; Programme |
Cast | Bette Guenzl (Tracy Lord), Jean Reid (Sister Dinah), Thomas Posa (father, Seth), Ian Grosart (her uncle, Willie), Joe Rich (her brother, Sandy), Monica Maughan (his ‘imbrie’), George Colson, John Starey, Charles Colville, Lois Griffiths, Janet Buck, Philip Sargeant, Graeme Coulson, Dione Kibble, Suzette Terrey, Richard Mooney, David Collins. |
Reviews | Farrago 7/9/54, p.6 – ‘Philadelphia Story makes a discovery (Bette Guenzl)’. |
Photo | Farrago, 7 September 1954, p.6 – Four Women: Lois Griffiths, Bette Guenzl, Jean Reid and Janet Buck. Also, photo of Phillip Sargeant. |
Notes | Performed Melbourne 12/8-14/8, then toured to NAUAS Drama Festival in Sydney. Bette Phillips (nee Guenzl) received the Murray Sutherland prize for her role. |
Extra Notes | Revue |
Resource |
- The Philadelphia Story 1954 Autographed Program
- The Philadelphia Story 1954 Autographed Program back cover