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Title | Xmas Pie |
Start Date | 14/12/1938 |
End Date | 1938 |
Abstract | ‘To raise funds for stage equipment for the Theatre’ |
Director | Keith Macartney |
Designer | Desmond Connor |
Company | Theatre Guild M.U. Union |
Venue | Union House |
Reference | Rowden White: Elden De Steiger Collection 184/01 2/2 bag: mixed; Program. |
Cast | Colin McAlpin, Dorothea Dixon, Ben Meredith, Jim O’Connor, William Scott, Murray Sutherland, Frances Dillon, Keith Macartney, Marie Fawcett, Bonita Freeman, Elden de Steiger, Mollie Shackleton, Peggy Tellick and others |
- Xmas Pie 1938 program cover
- Xmas Pie 1938 centre pages