Triple Bill: Illiad; The Wave Breaks; Supplications – 17/07/1979

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Title Triple Bill: Illiad; The Wave Breaks; Supplications
Start Date 17/07/1979
End Date 28/07/1979
Abstract “Iliad” has “episodic” nature, preserved in performance. ‘Iliad’ = first two of the five plays; ‘The WaveBreaks’ = books 1 to 4 (Jul 17-21) and ‘Supplications’ = books 6 to 9 (Jul 24-28). Achilles Performing the “Iliad” in repatory constitutes a world premiere, a radical exploration of the origins of the theatre.
Author Homer
Director Rush Rehm
Company Melbourne State College Drama Department (MSC)
Melbourne University Classical Studies Dept
Venue open stage – Swanston Street
Grant Street Theatre
References C.U.D. letter & Media release; Open Stage (1975-1979) Rowden White Library; O’Brien, A., Dopierala, W. (1994) ‘The Pleasure of the Company: Drama and Teacher Education at Melbourne 1961-1994’, Parkville: School of Visual and Performing Arts Education. ISBN: 0 7325 0705 7.
Notes Open Stage July 15-21, 24-28; Grant Street Theatre Aug 27 – Sept 8.
Extra Notes A joint venture by the Melbourne Unviersity classical studies Dept and MSC Drama Dept. (See records for ‘The Wave Breaks’ and ‘Supplications’ as well.)
Reviews “Performance Iliad” in Richmond Scene 5/31/79. – ‘Its not often you come out of a play feeling so inpsired, you’re mentally buzzing. It has to be potent drama to produce such an effect. But when its only a workshop performance without costumes or settings and can still do that, you know you’ve seen something more than just good.’
Cast Translator Rush Rehm, 7 men & 5 women will make up the chorus. Many students – from Melb. Uni, State College, VCA.
Iliad 1979 Poster

Iliad 1979 Poster