King Lear (1982)
Play (1982)
Presented by Old Scream Theatre
Ladies Lunch
Play (1982)
Produced by the Guild Theatre Company
Rabelais – 01/06/1982
Play (1982)
O’Brien, A., Dopierala, W. (1994) ‘The Pleasure of the Company: Drama and Teacher Education at Melbourne 1961-1994’, Parkville: School of Visual and Performing...
Melbourne State College (MSC) Concert Week
University of Melbourne Education Department
Concert (1982)
Presented by Melbourne State College Music Department (MSC)
Close of Play
Tin Alley Players
Play (1982)
Law Revue (1982)
Law Revue
Revue (1982)
Law Revue (1982)
Revue (1982)
Union House Theatre
Play (1982)
Kitchen Ambush
Guild Dance Theatre
Play (1982)
A Midsummer Night’s Dream (1982)
University of Melbourne Education Department
Play (1982)