Architecture Revue (1975)
The University of Melbourne Architecture Department
Revue (1975)
Calm Down Mother, Flapland and Orpheus
Union House Theatre
Play (1975)
Tin Alley Players
Play (1975)
Ibsen's play concerning "the fate of the heroic individual, whose struggle toward the discovery of self leads to tragic destruction". A challenging text to produce o...
Play (1975)
Mobile Theatre 75 included *’Voyage of the Minotour’ by Ian McFadyn*
Play (1974)
Travelled to Cowes, Marlo, Merimbula, Sydney, Canberra.
Fuente Ovejuna
Union House Theatre
Play (1974)
Known throughout Europe as the world’s 1st proletarian play (written in 1612). Fuenteovejuna is the name of the village that actually united to depose an unj...
Billy Liar
University of Melbourne Education Department
Play (1974)
Little Murders (1974)
Tin Alley Players
Play (1974)
Fanny of the Footlights
Play (1974)
Aeffluence: A musical cosmorama
Union House Theatre
Musical (1974)
Aeffluence is a reworking of a rock musical performed in August 1972 from which a limited number of LP’s were released. The script was redeveloped by “youn...